06.12.2024: Video about installation of Fiber Optic Cable in the injection well TH6
In May 2024, we successfully installed a fibre optic cable in the injection well TH6 of the geothermal plant at Stadtwerke München's 'Energiestandort Süd'. This completes the holistic fibre optic monitoring system at the site and now permanently supplies data from the depths. The video explains the innovative installation and the background to our research project in more detail.
23.10.2024: Der Geothermiekongress, Potsdam
Our project GFK-Monitor was represented by 3 presentations.
„Durchführung von Tracerversuchen im hydrothermalen Oberjura-Reservoir in Süddeutschland“ – Theis Winter, Kai Zosseder
„Faseroptisches Monitoring in einer Reinjektionsbohrung in München – Installation und erste Interpretation der Glasfaserdaten aus der Tiefe“ – Aurelio Andy, Toni Ledig, Artjom Baydin, Johannes Hart, Felix Schölderle, Daniela Pfrang, Kai Zosseder
„Sensing Subsurface Dynamics during the Restart of Injection and Production in Deep Geothermal Wells with Distributed Dynamic Strain Sensing (DDSS or DAS)“ – Johannes Hart, Christopher Wollin, Aurelio Andy, Toni Ledig, Thomas Reinsch, Charlotte Krawczyk
21.10.2024: Project meeting, Potsdam
The 4th projet meeting took place at the GFZ in Potsdam. The main topic was the interpretation of fiber optic data from the newly equipped well TH6.

18.06.2024: Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences Conference, Catania
Our project GFK-Monitor was on site with one presentation.
„Closing an Information Gap in Geothermnal Well Construction: Continous Distributed Fiber.Optic Sensing for Improved Displacement Efficiency“ – Johannes Hart, Berker Polat, Felix Schölderle, Toni Ledig, Martin Lipus, Christopher Wollin, Thomas Reinsch, and Charlotte Krawczyk
15. – 19.04.2024: European Geosciences Union (EGU) Conference in Wien
On this year's edition of the EGU, we showcase the project with 4 presentaions.
„A Fiber-Optic Approach for Cement Placement Monitoring of Deep Boreholes“ – Hart, J., Polat, B., Schölderle, F., Ledig, T., Lipus, M. P., Wollin, C., Reinsch, T., and Krawzcyk, C.
„The Uncertainty of Temperature Predictions and the Influence of Flow Zones on the Production Temperature in a Low Enthalpy Geothermal Field“ – Schölderle, F. and Zoßeder, K.
„Operational Monitoring of Thermal Dynamics in Deep Geothermal Production and Injection Wells with Fiber Optics from the Surface to the Reservoir“ – Andy, A., Schölderle, F., Pfrang, D., and Zosseder, K.
„Developing tracer management for long and sustainable use of the Upper Jurassic geothermal reservoir in South Germany“ – Winter, T. and Zosseder, K.
21.11.2023: Project meeting in Munich
The second project meeting focused on discussing the content of the work packages and the next steps in the project.

18.10.2023: Der Geothermie Kongress, Essen
On Wednesday, 18.10.2023, our project was presented: „Die ersten Ergebnisse aus GFK-Monitor – Monitoring von Tiefengeothermiebohrungen mit faseroptischen Akustik- und Temperaturmessungen im bayrischen Molassebecken“ .
15./16.03.2023: Conferencing and site visit Schäftlarnstraße
In March, the first exchange of experience of the GFK-Monitor project takes place with all project partners in Munich. The day before, a visit to the geothermal wells at Schäftlarnstraße in Sendling is planned. Here, 2 fibre-optic cables have already been installed and furthermore, tracer tests and the implementation of an additional FOC ist planned.
16.09.2022: Kick-off meeting GFK-Monitor
The project has officially started and subject-specific work has commenced.